What is the best way to give flowers in winter?

Cold air negatively affects the condition of flowers, but this does not mean that in winter, even in severe frosts, you need to give up the pleasure of giving someone a beautiful bouquet. On the contrary, on dark winter days, when there is practically no sun, the plants will delight you with their brightness, juiciness and at least briefly remind you of summer. In addition, modern floral technologies and secrets make it possible to preserve bouquets out of season during transportation and further storage.

Flowers and greenery that are best given in winter

The following options would be a good solution:

  • Frost-resistant varieties of roses. Dutch roses are suitable for winter; they can withstand frosts down to -15 degrees and can last up to two weeks. To make bouquets, florists use roses with thick stems and large buds. The most popular varieties are “Grand Prix”, “Freedom”, “Mohana”, “Avalanche”.
  • Ranunculus. Despite the apparent tenderness of the petals, these flowers are quite durable. Plants in cream and soft pink shades are used to create winter bridal bouquets.
  • Anemones. Another flower of increased endurance and extraordinary charm for creating wedding compositions. Plants in white or bright pink tones are most relevant for winter. Anemone season, like ranunculus, begins in October and lasts throughout the winter.
  • Chrysanthemums. Both small and bush chrysanthemums are not afraid of cold weather, so they are often presented for holidays that fall from October to February-March.
  • Lilies. Exotic compositions for the winter are created from lilies, complemented by white protea, ilex and fir branches.

Features of storing flowers in cold weather:

  • Despite the fact that modern bouquets are easy to create from frost-resistant flowers, they also need proper care and transportation. This will protect the buds and leaves from early withering. How to preserve a bouquet in frost:
  • Pack compositions correctly. Multilayer paper, thick cellophane, baskets, hat boxes - any container that will cover delicate plants - are suitable for this purpose.
  • Buy flowers from trusted salons with fast delivery. Florists collect bouquets in rooms where a certain temperature and microclimate are maintained. Delivery time is reduced to minimize exposure of plants to frosty air.
  • Do not remove the packaging immediately indoors. It is advisable for the plants to stand in a warm room for half an hour to adapt to the new temperature. It’s also not worth putting them in water right away; it’s better to wait 20-30 minutes.

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