
Flower horoscope: flowers by zodiac sign

Every flower, like every person, is one of a kind. They are distinguished by tones, aroma, shape and energy. Every person has his own preferences, which are formed by tastes, social status, and traditions. Or horoscopes that have become firmly established in our lives and have largely proven their worth. Knowing the general principles, you can choose the right bouquet that suits your counterpart in temperament and mood. All zodiac signs are divided into 4 types according to their elements. For some of them it is better to buy lilies with delivery, for others to personally present a bouquet of violets.
Fire signs
Purposeful Sagittarius, Aries and Leo prefer all shades of red, which embody vital energy. It is better to give flowers in the following palette to people born under these signs:

  • Sagittarius. Optimistic, bright and kind Sagittarius appreciate attention more, but give preference to flowers on long stems with large inflorescences: a bouquet of carnations, peonies, gladioli, roses, chrysanthemums. Some representatives of this fire sign tolerate lilac and purple shades.
  • Aries. These people are ruled by the planet Mars and are attracted to bright colors from red to orange. You can buy specimens with thorns. These are anemones, gladioli, roses, hydrangeas, anthuriums, bright carnations.
  • Lions. Noble Leos prefer something exclusive, which can even be a correctly presented chamomile. But it is better to choose flowers in a sunny, bright palette: a bouquet of yellow chrysanthemums, callas, tea roses, orchids, gladioli, sunflowers.
Earth signs

Reasonable and practical Virgos, Taurus and Capricorns do not like pomp, but prefer sophistication and exclusivity.

  • Virgos. Although the price of a bouquet of Eustome is not affordable for everyone, it is the one that will appeal to Virgo’s heart. They will be pleased with bush carnations, tea leaves, light lilies or potted violets.
  • Capricorns. Well-balanced Capricorns exist harmoniously even with cacti. They will be happy with bouquets in calm pastel colors of gerberas, peonies, lilies or tulips.
  • Taurus. Romantic and comfort-loving Taurus prefer spectacular and expensive bouquets. All shades of pink and red are relevant here, varieties ranging from roses to lilies. But Taurus will be happy with bouquets of lilacs, snowdrops or lilies of the valley.
Water signs

Highly emotional and creative Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios are intuitive and changeable, so they appreciate gifts from the heart.

  • Pisces. Intuitive Pisces are sensitive, they prefer orchids, lilies, lilacs, hyacinths, chrysanthemums and violets. They are impressed by purple, lilac, blue, steel shades. It is important to arrange the bouquet harmoniously.
  • Cancers. Sensitive and vulnerable Cancers will be happy with lilies, callas, lilies of the valley, tulips and snowdrops in white, light and silver tones. Peonies, mimosas, cacti and carnations are contraindicated.
  • Scorpios. Energetic representatives of this sign love any shades of purple, blue and blue. But traditional bouquets of white or scarlet roses will also not leave them indifferent.
Air signs

Intellectual Aquarius, Gemini and Libra are somewhat different from each other in preferences.

  • Aquarius. Super-independent Aquarians prefer special bouquets of unusual flowers: orchids, sarracenia, daffodils, ranunculus, eryngium, yucca, eryngium or lilies of the valley.
  • Twins. Representatives of this air sign prefer a lot of greenery in bouquets, and flowers with small inflorescences. There are no restrictions on varieties, but it is better to order daffodils, daisies, jasmine, ranunculus or delivery of peonies in Chelyabinsk. Geminis are not recommended to give orchids as gifts.
  • Libra. These are exceptional aesthetes striving for harmony. They can be given almost any flowers, but the shades should be unusual, and the bouquets should be originally designed, with some asymmetry.
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